What We Do
The Birmingham Re-Entry Alliance is an innovative, collaborative re-entry support and case management system for individuals returning to Birmingham following incarceration in state prison, many of whom return with nothing.
Our network consists of existing non-profit agencies, faith groups, and government entities that already provide assistance with identification, job training and placement, substance use treatment, peer support, life skills, housing, healthcare, and case management.
Our Work
Resource connection
Our network will combine the necessary services and resources to help formerly incarcerated people to thrive following incarceration.
Proven track record
By combining strengths of existing social service agencies and adding case management, we build a scalable system of support and care to help fill a desperate need.
A system of support
Our network of organizations has a proven record of providing the necessary services to help people returning from incarceration to society.
Like to know more?
For more information about the Birmingham Re-Entry Alliance or to be a participant of the program, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you.
Our Organizations
Alabama Appleseed Center for Law & Justice
Alabama Regional Medical Services
Aletheia House
Canterbury United Methodist Church
City of Birmingham
Community on the Rise
Hope Inspired Ministries (HIM)
Jimmie Hale Mission
Offender Alumni Association (OAA)
Salvation Army, Birmingham Command